Hyacinth macaw

59W | Hyacinth macaw | Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus

ABOUT THE ANIMAL: Hyacinth macaws are one of the largest species of parrots, measuring about 3-feet long. Despite their size, hyacinth macaws are referred to as “gentle giants” for their calm demeanor. These macaws are native to South America; specifically, Brazil, northern Paraguay, and eastern Bolivia. The hyacinth macaw is unexpectedly able to apply 300 pounds of pressure per square inch with its beak! This species needs that strength to crack open its food, primarily palm nuts as well as some fruits and vegetables. While the hyacinth macaw has no known predators, they have to be cautious about other animals preying on their eggs. 

ABOUT THE PROBLEM: Aside from habitat loss, the hyacinth macaw is a target for the exotic pet trade. Their beauty and charisma make them desirable for animal collectors.

ABOUT THE SOLUTION: The exportation of hyacinth macaws is now banned by Brazil and Bolivia. Additionally, conservation efforts are striving to create artificial nests to support successful mating in the wild.

Photo by iStock.com/Foto4440