
71W | Jaguar | Panthera onca

ABOUT THE ANIMAL: Today, most of the remaining population of jaguar reside in the Amazon and other rainforests of South and Central America. Like other big cats, jaguars are carnivores. Equipped with strong jaws and claws, they prey on capybara, deer, tapir, and other mammals. Jaguars are surprisingly fond of the water as well. They are strong swimmers, hunting fish and even alligators. 

ABOUT THE PROBLEM: The decline in jaguars is largely due to habitat loss and deforestation. Rainforests are becoming fragmented, leaving jaguars isolated from one another and less likely to find a mate. Jaguars are also targets for illegal wildlife trade. Their beautiful coats are very profitable for poachers. 

ABOUT THE SOLUTION: Conservation efforts are striving to protect the jaguar’s tropical forest home and connect fragmented populations. National organizations are working to stop illegal animal trade and are putting an emphasis on the role of law enforcement. 

Photo by pixabay.com