Loggerhead turtle
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144W | Loggerhead turtle | Caretta caretta
ABOUT THE ANIMAL: Loggerhead turtles are most commonly found in the warmer waters of the Mediterranean and around Mexico and Cuba. Loggerheads are mostly carnivorous, eating mollusks and crabs. Their diet of hard shelled prey helps them recycle nutrients and contribute to levels of sediment on the ocean floor. Furthermore, their shell serves as a habitat for small plants and animals. Like other sea turtles, loggerheads lay their eggs on coarse sand beaches.
ABOUT THE PROBLEM: One of the greatest threats to loggerheads is death or injury due to commercial fishing, in which turtles are caught as bycatch. Pollution also represents a significant health risk – turtles often ingest floating trash, mistaking it for food.
ABOUT THE SOLUTION: The use of turtle excluder devices (TEDs) has helped reduce turtle bycatch, but additional measures are needed to further reduce threats to loggerheads from bycatch. Other critical actions include reducing trash and minimizing plastics, since plastic often ends up in the ocean, even if disposed of properly.

Photo by iStock.com/naturepics_li