Togo slippery frog
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1E | Togo slippery frog | Conraua derooi
ABOUT THE ANIMAL: The Togo slippery frog is unique for its small size, only about 3 inches, and for its limber legs. This species of frog is found in a very small region of the highlands between Ghana and Togo in West Africa. They live in fast moving water, such as waterfalls and streams.
ABOUT THE PROBLEM: Only a little over 200 frogs are left. Much of their habitat has been cleared for development, farming, and mining. Landslides and pollution, resulting from logging, have eliminated suitable places for eggs and tadpoles.
ABOUT THE SOLUTION: A leading conservation effort in Ghana is to plant trees within neighboring communities as well as creating sustainable water systems that do not deplete frogs’ habitat.

Photo by John Sullivan/Alamy