Kaua'i Wolf Spider

160W | Kaua’i wolf spider | Adelocosa anops

ABOUT THE ANIMAL: The Kaua’i cave wolf spider is one of the rarest spiders in the world, known to occur in only a few caves in a lava flow on the Hawaiian island of Kaua’i. This species has no eyes and prefers the dark, humid conditions of caves protected by dense vegetation. Despite a lack of vision, this spider species is an excellent predator, relying on fine hairs to sense changes in its surroundings. And instead of spinning a web, this spider digs burrows and waits on the ground for prey to approach. Spiderlings are carried on their mother’s back for several days after hatching.

ABOUT THE PROBLEM: The greatest threats to this species are the withdrawal and pollution of groundwater due to development and agriculture. Land development, deforestation, droughts, and pesticide use are pushing this species towards extinction. 

ABOUT THE SOLUTION: Recovery plans involve protecting known populations from human-caused degradation and enhancing cave habitats known to previously support populations. Public outreach is extremely important to raise awareness and support for this lesser-known species. 

Photo by Gordon Smith – US Fish & Wildlife Service