Peabody Essex Museum

Artist Xavier Cortada joined the Peabody Essex Museum during opening weekend of the “Our Time On Earth” exhibit with participatory art projects aimed at drawing a connection between humans and the rest of the natural world. Importantly, Cortada launched “Adopt-a-Species: Upcycling Clothing,” an initiative that asks participants to protect endangered animals by screen printing their pictures on old clothes and sparking conservation-oriented conversations among family and friends.

Our Time On Earth Opening Weekend

Saturday, Feb 17th and Sunday, Feb 18

“Letters to the Future” Participatory Art Project 
Main Atrium
Saturday and Sunday

Pause to contemplate our collective future and write a message to someone who will inherit this planet, building off of an on-going project by artist Xavier Cortada. Take time to consider the impact of human contributions to the climate crisis and imagine a world marked by care for the future generations of humans, animals, and the world we inhabit. 

Drop-In Art Making: “Endangered World” Project

Create Space Studios
Saturday 1-3pm
Sunday 11-3

Learn about eco-actions that you can take now for environmental justice and make a committed pledge on behalf of an endangered species. Please join us for two different “Adopt-a-Species” drop-in activities: Upcycling Clothing and Rock Painting. Bring in a piece of clothing and screenprint any of the thirteen drawings of threatened and endangered species created by artist Xavier Cortada and paint a rock with the coordinates of a critically impacted species. Each print and rock will act as a reminder of our commitment to protect life on Earth. 

February School Vacation Week

Monday, Feb 19, Thursday, Feb 22, & Friday, Feb 23

Participatory Art Project | Letters to the Future
10 am–5 pm | Main Atrium
Write a message to someone living in the future! Based on an ongoing project by artist Xavier Cortada, this activity invites you to imagine the future generations of people and animals who will inherit the planet.

Drop-In Art Making | Adopt-a-Species: Upcycling Clothing
Monday 11–3 pm, Thu and Friday 1-3pm | Create Space Studios
Bring in a well-worn piece of clothing and give it a new look with a print of artist Xavier Cortada’s animal drawings from the Endangered World Project.

Drop-In Art Making | Adopt-a-Species: Rock Painting
Monday 11–3 pm, Thu and Friday 1-3pm | Create Space Studios
Paint a rock with the coordinates of a threatened or endangered species and take it home as a reminder of our commitment to protect life on Earth.

Special thanks to Janey Winchell, Lela Clawson-Miller, and Hannah Varden for their generous help and support in bringing these participatory art projects to life at the Peabody Essex Museum.