“South Florida’s climate emergency is a race against the clock. Whether we’re at seventeen feet elevation or at three feet elevation, all of us – our tax base, our flood insurance, our drinking  water – all of us are going to be impacted. Our political leaders need to understand the urgency; neglecting important decisions could spell serious doom for future generations, impacting those with fewer means the most.

The longer we wait, the more difficult the solutions become. The Underwater seeks to engage, educate and inspire residents to become further involved so they can share what they learn and hold their elected officials accountable. Justice demands we right the wrongs that harm our communities for the benefit of a select few.”

– Xavier Cortada


Yale has a free open course on environmental law available to any who are interested in environmental law. The course is titled Environmental Politics and Law (EVST 255) and covers a broad range of environmental and legal topics.

The Environmental Law Institute has a great series every summer for students, scholars, and advocates interested in environmental law and policy; spanning a broad range of topics and industries. Many of the past workshops have been recorded and are available online.

Beveridge & Diamond have tailored these materials for the American Bar Association (ABA). Working with the ABA’s Air Quality Committee, these materials have been organized so that any law firm, governmental entity or nonprofit organization can teach the course (or parts of it) to elementary school students.

Become more engaged in the democratic process by finding out what district you live in and who your officials are.

This site will tell you how your elected officials are voting on climate and environmental legislation.

For students who are interested in environmental law here is a list of suggested reading.

Videos & Documentaries

This film covers California’s policies and how they have affected electric cars.

This Film covers the use of toxic substances in building materials. 

This film covers the mining of coal and the impacts it has on water quality, with a focus in Appalachia.


The National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) is a national environmental law firm that advocates for environmental action.

The Environmental Law Institute is a leading environmental law organization which regularly provides trainings, continuing legal education credits and workshops.

Earthjustice is a non profit law firm whose tagline is “because the earth needs a good lawyer.” Earthjustice takes on many of the precedent setting environmental law cases and is considered to be the first environmental law firm.


Below are a few individuals who may inspire you as you explore the different paths you can take in addressing climate change and sea level rise. You’re encouraged to do your own research on each of these role models and find others who can help inform your journey.

works in the intersection of policy and science. She is the founder of the Urban Ocean Lab and speaks about climate communication and the importance of science in policy.
serves as a co-chair of the Miami Climate Alliance and the Vice President of Policy & Advocacy at Catalyst Miami, an organization focused on identifying and solving issues adversely affecting low-wealth communities throughout Miami-Dade County, Florida.
is a science, technology, climate, and environmental policy expert. She looks to integrate science and build coalitions, managing diverse teams, and communicating effectively across sectors.

PLEASE NOTE: Cortada’s socially engaged art is process-based by design. This Intel page is an evolving document nurtured by the interaction with and input from the project’s partners and participants.




Yale hasa a free open course on environmental law available to any who are intersted in environmental law. The course is titled Environmental Politics and Law (EVST 255) an covers a broad range of environmental and legal topics.

The Environmental Law Institute has a great series every summer for students, scholars and advocates interested in environmental law and policy, spanning a broad range of topics and industries. Many of the past workshops have been recorded and are available online


Beveridge & Diamond have tailored these materials for the American Bar Association (ABA). Working with the ABA’s Air Quality Committee, these materials have been organized so that any law firm, governmental entity or nonprofit organization can teach the course (or parts of it) to elementary school students.

Become more engaged in the dempcratic process, by finding out what district you live in and who your officals are.

This site will tell you how your elected officals are voting on climate and environmental legislation

For students who are intersted in environmental law here is a list of suggested reading.

Videos & Documentaries

This film covers California’s policies and how they have affected electric cars

This Film covers the use of toxic substances in building matrials 

This film covers the mining of coal and the impacts it has on water quality, with a focus in Appalachia 


The National Resourse Defense Council (NRDC) is a national environmental law firm that advocates for environmental action.

The Environmental Law Insititue is a leading environmental law organization and regularly provides trainings, coninuing legal education credits and workshops.

Earthjustice is a non profit law firm who’s tagline is “because the earth needs a good lawyer”. Earthjustice takes on many of the precedent setting environmental law cases and is condidered to be the first environmental law firm.


Below are a few individuals who may inspire you as you explore the different paths you can take in addressing climate change and sea level rise. You’re encouraged to do your own research on each of these role models and find others who can help inform your journey.


works in the intersection of policy and science. She is the founder of the Urban Ocean Lab and speaks about climate communication and the importance of science in policy.


is a Science, technology, climate, and environmental policy expert. She looks to intergrate science and build coalitions, managing diverse teams, and communicating effectively across sectors.


serves as a co-chair of the Miami Climate Alliance and the Vice President of Policy & Advocacy at Catalyst Miami. Zelalem catalyst Miami is an organization focused on identifying and solving issues adversely affecting low-wealth communities throughout Miami-Dade County, Florida

PLEASE NOTE: Cortada’s socially engaged art is process-based by design. This Intel page is an evolving document nurtured by the interaction with and input from the project’s partners and participants.